Women of Rice

In 2013, CSWGS began a long-term research and archiving project to document the women who have made Rice University possible.  That project has since taken on several forms, including three exhibitions in Fondren Library, featuring staff in 2014, faculty in 2017, and alumni in 2019.  Undergraduate students have also made significant contributions through oral histories collected through SWGS 101, The Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality.  Materials from these exhibits and oral histories are archived with the Woodson Research Center.  Over time, the materials have grown enough to exceed what the CSWGS website can effectively display.  Through the Fondren Fellows program, we have collaborated with the Woodson Research Center to build a dedicated Omeka exhibit to permanently display all three exhibits and raise the profile of other resources for women's history at Rice.

We will post details to this website as more information is available.