Helena Fietz is a sociocultural anthropologist whose research focuses on care practices and disability in Brazil. She received her Ph.D. in anthropology from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in 2020 and has been a member of the Brazilian Anthropology Association Disability and Accessibility Committee since 2016. In dialogue with sociocultural and medical anthropology, feminist science and technology studies (STS), and disability studies, her work examines how infrastructures of care, family expectations, public representations of disability, and public policies intersect in the lives of people with intellectual disabilities and their families in Brazil. She is currently working on her book manuscript "Construindo Futuros, Provocando o Presente: Cuidado familiar, moradias assistidas e temporalidades na gestão cotidiana da deficiência intelectual no Brasil" [Constructing the Future, Provoking the present: family care, assisted living and temporalities in the every day management of intellectual disability in Brazil] to be published in 2023.