Deborah Nelson-Campbell

Deborah Nelson-Campbell received her Ph.D. from Ohio State University. Her research and teaching areas are Philology and Medieval French and Occitan literature. Her representative publications include The Journals of Tommie L. Hubbard. Madison County, Kentucky 1898-1900. Ashland, KY: Jesse Stuart Foundation, 2003; The Songs of Andrieu Contredit d'Arras, critical edition and translation by Deborah H. Nelson with music arranged by Hendrik van der Werf. Amsterdam: Rodopi Press, 1992; and Charles d'Orléans Analytical Bibliography. London: Grant and Cutler, 1990. A volume of essays entitled The Courtly Phenomenon Revisited co-edited with medievalist Rouben Cholakian has been accepted for publication by Palgrave MacMillan.